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Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing that is a dream for many trekkers throws a good challenge while trekking to its highest peak Uhuru. The mountain has 3 volcanic peaks known as Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. This dormant volcano is now inactive. It is believed that the last major volcanic eruption was on 1.9 million years before. The shira plateau at the height of 3,800 meters is the natural caldera created after an eruption. This is the most iconic section of Kilimanjaro. However, this can be witnessed by those who successfully climb to such a height with Climb Kilimanjaro Guide.

Kilimanjaro National Park

"The Roof of Africa"

Mount Kilimanjaro, the only highest peak of Africa which can be summited without any technical skills. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro can be a challenging trek considering the Altitude level on the higher elevations. But, if your fitness level is good and you have the determination of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, then Uhuru peak awaits your arrival with a freezing welcome. There is no favoritism of age, gender, professional, adventure traveler can get a guide for Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro For Beginners. It welcomes everyone with its beautiful panoramic view, magnificent landscapes and snow-capped peak.

Situated in the Kenyan border in Northern Tanzania; Kilimanjaro is the highest peak of the African continent. Acquiring 5,895m height it’s also the highest free-standing mountain in the world. Being the topmost mountain in Africa, this is a dream for hikers who want Climbing Kilimanjaro Solo offering a complete non-technical climb. There are 30,000 trekkers including the experienced to the aspiring one visiting Tanzania for Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

This giant dormant mountain resides next to the equator and has its own climate zones. While Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, trekkers have to go through 5 different climatic zones. The mountain is so big that it forms its own climatic zones. Kilimanjaro offers 5 climatic zones to the trekkers.
If You Will Climb Kilimanjaro You Will Traverse Through These 5 Climatic Zones-

Cultivation Zone

It is the first zone where the trekking starts. The zone starts at approximately 2,600 ft. and continues up to 6,000 ft. This zone receives a great rainfall. The zone runs through mostly the coffee plantation of the chagga villagers.

Highland Desert Zone

It is the 4th climatic zone that starts at 13,000 ft. and continue up to 16,000 ft. This is truly the rarest and strange place of mountain. Here the trekkers cross the lava tower which is the challenging part of the climbing. Arctic Zone- starting from 13,000ft Arctic zone reaches up to the Uhuru peak at 19,340 ft. The lower section of arctic zone is difficult to climb. The lower zone is made with dirt and pebbles hence it is difficult to hike. Then trekers follow the crater rim to reach the Uhuru peak walking on glaciers.

Rainforest Zone

Rain forest zone is known as the second climatic zone. The zone elevates from 6,000 ft. to just over 9,000 ft. Rainforest covers most part of Kilimanjaro. This zone introduces with few wildlife such as; Blue and Colobus monkeys. Few rarely seen species are olive baboons, leopards, mongooses, elephants, bush babies, black rhinoceros, giraffes and buffaloes.

Heather and Mooreland Zone

This is the zone 3rd climatic zone. It starts at 9,000 ft. and continue up to 13,000 ft. The zone can be very hot during day time, with 40 degree Celsius temperature.
